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Content as a Referral Source

I wrote recently about a great new service called Help a Reporter Out (HARO) – this service, founded by PR Geek Peter Shankman, matches journalists on a story with expert sources. Anyone can sign up to get the three daily emails full of stories just waiting for you to contribute to.

Peter’s enthusiasm and New York pace shine through on this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast. (Although admittedly I had a microphone issue on this recording and Peter’s voice is a bit muffled) This is a great free tool and every small business should subscribe.

And, here’s a killer referral and networking tip. Subscribe to and read the HARO emails with two hats on. One, look for stories you could add to and two, scan through the queries thinking about any of your customers, partners, suppliers or prospects that could be offered up as resources to a journalist. If you would take 5 minutes a day sending off appropriate story ideas to your network, the referral tap will open in your direction in a matter of a few short weeks.

Remember, referrals are about trust and relationship building and nothing does that faster than showing you are thinking of others and trying to find ways to help them get what they want to succeed.

This episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast is brought to you by Resources for the small business owner.