Comments on: Getting Creative with Partnerships Wed, 31 Oct 2018 20:44:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zvi Landsman Wed, 13 Aug 2008 07:41:48 +0000 I guess it’s a no-brainer, but as a web programmer with no design skills, I’ve teamed up with a talented web designer with no programming skills, and we’re each bringing in regular work for each other.

By: Joe Dager Tue, 12 Aug 2008 22:53:08 +0000 I think partnerships are great but more difficult to create than it sounds. Lorraine’s mention of her power circle is so correct and that is what all of must be striving reach. What leads do any of us receive from networking? I would say the vast majority of them do come from a select few, our power circle. But how do we create on, a good start is this program I heard called Referral Flood.

By: Lorraine Ball Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:27:25 +0000 Power circles and strategic connections are the best way to build your business. I will spend most of my marketing budget on the members of my inner circle. Why? Because they will do my selling for me.

As a marketing firm focused on start – ups, my circle includes an accountant, two lawyers ( one specializes in IP) a computer hardware guy, a business broker, printer, and web host.

I also teach a class and have a book on this very subject: Confessions of a Networking Junkie – for more info go to:

By: MarketingTwins-Randy Tue, 12 Aug 2008 02:58:27 +0000 An automotive repair shop (very local, not a chain – small but has been around 30 years) decided to go to one of the large chain tire dealers. They offer to fix any broken wheel studs that happen at the large chain tire shops (it happens all the time) – so now, the large national chain is sending unhappy customers to this small local shop – and all for free. The unhappy customers get taken care of (and usually end up being happier because they aren’t taken advantage of) and they get into the database of the local shop. And when people come into the auto repair shop and need tires, they are overt in recommending people go to this national chain. After years of doing this, the national chain now gives out coupons to all their customers to go to this local repair shop. It’s really a win-win. It’s a $100K+ business for this local shop! The chain enjoys a relationship as well – as they get consistent customers all the time from this shop. This is at least a case of the small guy winning big time!
